Wu Chi Qigong

Wu Chi Primordial Qigong

By Mikey Costar


A note from the author

The material given here is based on my personal expression of the Wu Chi (Wuji Gong) form. This interpretation has come about through the direct result of my learning from a Wuji Gong master, my own independent studies of Wuji practice material, and my observations of the form structure as expressed by various Wuji Gong masters.

My intention is to provide an authentic and efficient version of the Wu Chi (Wuji) form, for the greater good of all who seek to embrace it.

In relation to the theory aspect of Wu Chi Qigong, my intention while seeing the need to give an overall understanding, is to keep it simple so that prime focus is on the execution of the form, from which all real benefits come.

Note also: This manual is subject to updates, additions and modifications which would be forwarded to the students in due course, in the form of a revised version.

I thank you for joining me on a journey of self-reflection and exploration into deeper levels of who we are through Qigong practice.



The learning of this Qigong form and the practice of it, is not intended to replace appropriate medical care when illness is present, but is offered as a personal development tool to enhance general health and wellbeing.



What is Wu Chi?

Wu Chi (Wuji) is the Taoist name for original emptiness, the primordial place of pre-creation. The mother of Tai Chi.

Wu Chi is represented by the circle symbol.


Wuji is Taoist tradition is also symbolised by the Dragon




In Wu Chi Qigong, gong means the practice or cultivation of, so Wu Chi Qigong is the cultivation of Wuji, the original emptiness which can manifest within, primarily as deep stillness. This original state is also believed to be our own true authentic nature which lies deep within us, underlying our day to day identity as the personality.

Daily practice of Wu Chi has an initial as well as an accumulative benefit. Over time the Wuji space deepens our sense of self, bringing authentic qualities to our personality

Wu Chi Qigong has many names including: Wuji Gong, Wuji Qigong, Primordial Qigong, Golden Elixir Qigong, Tai Chi for Enlightenment.



Wu Chi Qigong (Wuji Gong) is believed to have been created by the originator of Tai Chi Chuan, Zhang San-Feng (Pronounced Jan San Foong), approximately 800 years ago.


The form is believed to be associated with the Dragon gate schools of mystical Qigong, from Wudang Mountain.

Unlike Tai Chi which has a martial base, Wu Chi was designed to develop spiritual power, for self-realisation and ultimately immortality. (The Golden Elixir)

Due to its power potential it was initially only taught through a secret lineage, until its emergence into the west.



The journey of  Wu Chi (Wuji Gong) to the west began with a wandering Taoist monk by the name of Li Tong. He was himself in the direct lineage from Zhan San-Feng. He was looking for someone to pass on this secret form to. A martial artist by the name of  Zhu Hui (Pronounced Chew way), he found to be the ideal candidate.



It was Zhu Hui who brought Wuji Gong to the USA, passing it on to at least three students, one of which is in my personal lineage, the once vice president of the American Tai Chi association, Michael Winn, who taught it to Andrew Fretwell, who taught it to me.

Living Lineage Form

Wu Chi Qigong is considered to be a living form, in that it is believed that the accumulative knowledge, wisdom and energy is in some way passed on to the student, in the learning, comprehending its purpose, and the subsequent practice of it.

Power of the Form

According to Zhu Hui, the true power is contained within the form itself and can be tapped into simply through mindful attention to it.

Some have described it as a living holographic mandala.


 Taoist theory of reality

Tao (Absolute) manifests Wuji (original emptiness/ mother)

Wuji manifests the creative spark, Taiji. Taiji is the pivotal force, the combination  of movement and stillness that arises from Wuji and actually changes Wuji into the the dual nature of things.

Thus Taiji manifests Yin/Yang as expressed in the dual nature from which all things arise.

Yin/Yang the two, manifests the Four Realms, aspects within Yin/Yang, being Lessor Yang and Greater Yang, and Lessor Yin & Greater Yin.

The Four Realms manifest the Eight or Bagua which is the multi-dimensionality within everything.


Within all of this, life itself is manifest through the expression of the Five elements. (covered in the pages to come)


Wu Chi Components


Micro Macro

Most Chinese Taoist systems are based on the concept of micro and macro. It is believed that with intentional movement through oriental forms, one naturally becomes in sync with nature and the greater universe.

There is a reflective mirroring which goes on, and in this we begin to intuitively understand the nature of things around us and ultimately ourselves. As previously mentioned, the Wu Chi form is likened to a living hologram. As we trace the lines of this form through our practice, we activate this energy mandala, in-turn it provides for us a cosmic vehicle for self development.

As we become attuned to the flow of nature and the universe, our own dynamic essence  naturally flows healing to all life which in-turn flows back to us from the universe in a constant harmonic cycle. It’s like being in the centre of the form, places us progressively in the centre of the universal flow.

 Circles and Spirals

Wu Chi Qigong was created incorporating basically all of the Chinese Taoist theory placed into one simple but dynamic form.

Wu Chi Qigong is built around the energy of circles and spirals. Practicing the form by  flowing through the circle patterns is an intrinsic part of the system which tunes us to the universal flow of the Tao.

As you will be aware, everything in nature is based on circles and spirals, from the movement of planets orbiting stars, to electrons and protons moving around a central core, to the array of circular and spiralling patterns seen in physical creation.


As we know with a circle, it has no end. So the symbol for Wu Chi is a simple circle, reflecting its infinite primordial essential nature.

One of the main objectives for moving in circles in Wu Chi is to realise our infinite state, beyond time.

This is achieved with moving in circles, in a specific way. One moves in a circle, clockwise while at the same time moving in a counter clockwise direction. This is sometimes called bio-directional vortexing. This aspect of Wu Chi is central to the form, and can be responsible for huge change within.

Bi-directional Vortexing

The effect of this movement coupled with the absorption and processing of Qi, brings balance to Yin & Yang, in-turn inducing within us a conscious perception of the state beyond time. This is Wu Chi (Wuji)

One of the potential physical benefits of this process is the potential reversal of the effects of ageing.



Photo Acknowledgement : Doctor Roger Jahnke

How does this work?  From a micro-macro prospective the human beings lifetime follows the circular cycles of the seasons.

One is born and enters infancy as the cycle of spring or new beginning. As he reaches adulthood he enters the summer of his life. As he moves into middle age, he is cycling into the autumn of his life and finally as he reaches old age enters the winter of his life.

In Wu Chi practice the practitioner purposefully moves in an anticlockwise direction and enters each corresponding season (represented within the energy of each direction) in the reverse order, all the way back to the season of spring, in the east direction.

He begins in the east but then moves to his left in the circle, on to the winter/north which represents the latter period of one’s life, then back through to the autumn, and then further to the summer and then back to the spring.

The practitioner also progressively moves clockwise through each cardinal point. Performing the above counter clockwise movement  generates a reverse polarity flow for each point along the directional clockwise circuit.

From a spiritual prospective this bi-directional vortexing also opens portals into trans-dimensional realities, awakening ones awareness, and to a deeper more enriching level of experience.

 Yin Yang   




The Chinese system called Taoism primarily arose from the observation of the play of the opposing forces of yin and yang as expressed within nature, and their relationship with humanity.

The forces of Yin Yang as with all nature, operate within us. It is expressed within the human being as the male and female aspect.

The balancing of these two opposing forces within us, which are in fact two different aspects of the one, allows us to manifest the experience of the middle way or non-dual consciousness. Wuji.


The Five Elements


The five elements can be said to be conscious energetic substances which manifest as various expressions within us, promoting an array of physical, emotional and behavioural tendencies. Our life experience can be a result of how these elemental forces come together.

The qualities of these elements are expressed as wood, fire, water, earth & metal. The degree of harmony within each one element and with the other elements dictates the level of internal well-being and the quality of our relationship with the external world.

In Wu Chi Qigong, we work at bringing these elements into harmony within us.

Not only can an internal and external balance be achieved but like unlocking a combination lock, as these essential elements find balance the very source of their origin begins to manifest within us as the state of Wuji or self-realisation. This is the process of Inner Alchemy.

The balancing of the five elements is assisted primarily by our energetic interaction with the Bagua or Eight Trigrams.




This is a Taoist model created to represent the movement of flow in all multidimensional directions within the space of heaven and earth. In working within this eight trigrams pattern, one learns not to shift focus from primarily on fixed things, to an awareness of the constant inter – dimensional movement and transition of everything.

In a very simple way you could say we are learning to go with the flow.

So the Bagua forms an intrinsic part of Wu Chi practice. It incorporates a flow through each cardinal direction, the four main directions and the four transitional directions.

Learning to listen, to feel and absorb the essence from each direction with an intention to harmonise the elements within, forms the basis for this internal alchemy.

I include below a diagram that I’ve made to give you a sense of the potential ideal personal qualities that can be derived by bringing balance to each internal element through the process of cosmic absorption from each direction. We achieve this as we flow through these directions in a circular direction while standing both physically and symbolically within the middle of the Bagua, as a bridge between heaven and earth.


Working with these main creative forces symbolised by Yin/Yang, the five elements, and the Bagua symbol, assists with the balancing of the essential energetic aspects within. These aspects include amongst others the balancing of the three treasures, original Jing essence which includes our DNA energy, our original Qi or vitality energy, and original Shen or spirit aspect.


The Magic of Numbers

Wu Chi Qigong includes in all of its form, patterns and sequencing based on the Yang odd numbers 1 – 9 and the Yin even numbers 2-10.

In Wu Chi form, particular attention is given to the Bagua and the number 8. In practice one moves through 4 cardinal directions and 4 inter-cardinal directions to total 8.

The number 8 is significant in Chinese numerology. 8 symbolising wealth, growing, and increased prosperity.

In W Chi form the number 8 represents good health, intuition, awareness, and especially a deepening of certainty of ones connection with the universe.

The Wu Chi form is broken up into 2 parts, of A, rolling the ball, and B, Old dragon washing its face. There are 4 sets for each part of A & B totalling 8.

Both the numbers 8 & 5 stand out in Wu Chi form. In the second part of the form, Old dragon washing its face, incorporates a total of 200 washes through all of the directions. This is made up of multiples of 5’s and 10’s. In numerology, when we reduce the 200 down to a single number, we come up with the number 2 which according to Master Zhu Hui represents balance within the duality of Yin/Yang.

The Wu Chi form also corresponds with the original 13 form Tai Chi designed by Master Zhang San-Feng. The 13 movements in Wu Chi are centre, east, northeast, north, northwest, west, southwest, south, southeast, up, down, inner & outer.

While there is so much more, the above gives us a taste of the numerological role within the Wu Chi form.

The Main Keys to Practice

 Purpose: To realise Wuji as our own true authentic nature

Practice to attune to the universal flow, to ride the Tao, the middle way, which works to manifest: Inner peace, Joy, Healing, Happiness, Love, Compassion,Kindness, Confidence, Mental clarity, Physical Strength, Stamina, Vitality & Longevity etc.

 Visualisation: Through the practice see yourself as operating within a living holographic mandala of energy, standing in the Bagua centre as a bridge and fusion point, for the dual forces of heaven and earth to merge within you. You are part of the universal play.



With the above in mind: As you go through the form have mindful attention & intention to cleanse, balance & heal.

As your intuition becomes more finely tuned you will sense imbalances within the elements, and if you choose, you can place more of your attention there in order to absorb from that particular direction, more of what you need for balance.

 Mindfulness on what specific form movements are doing.

(1) When raising Earth Qi, bringing Heaven Qi Down, and mixing the Qi into the Qi Ball, you are balancing the top (Yang) and the bottom (Yin) parts of your body and energy system.

(2) When separating Qi right and then left, you are balancing the two sides of your body.

(3) When you perform the microcosmic orbit, you attend to balance the main male/female aspects within by tracing the cycle of Qi through the orbit. (Helps to balance of the governing (back/male) and conception (front/female) meridians.)

(4) When you turn the Qi ball right left right you are healing the past and re-calibrating  the heart centre.

(5) When you are rolling the ball, bottom, top bottom, you intend to balance and synchronise the Heart Tan Tien with the lower Tan Tien.

(6) When you are rolling the ball of Qi, side to side towards the lower Tan Tien, you  are vertically balancing both sides of the core abdominal centre, as well as the body in general.

(7) When you perform the final gather, you are gathering all the accumulated cultivated Qi and directing it back down into your vital energy centres to rest in the lower Tan Tien, to anchor your consciousness in stillness, and replenish your main core energy centre (Lower Tan Tien), which in-turn balances and awakens you to  WuJi consciousness.

(8) When you are performing the Old Dragon Washing its Face, you are intending to be cleansing, awakening and balancing the higher Tan Tien as your hand passes the third eye.

You are also intending to synchronise the third eye with the heart, and the lower centre with the heart, cleansing, balancing and healing as you wash.

(9) As you change direction you are bringing all of the accumulated energies over to the next direction as an alchemical blending.

 What to be aware of as you do the form

  • Your structure and flow within the hologram, feel your self flowing in the bubble of Qi as you move through the form.
  • Keep your intention to stay relaxed in Wu Chi, like in Zhan Zhaung, through the whole form, relaxed to the feet, and anchored to the ground and moving from the lower Tan Tien.
  • Keep your gaze at approx. 2 metres in front of you when at the centre position and then follow the hands when moving. (Except with dragon washing, keep gaze to the ground 2 metres in front)
  • Remember limp hands, and wrists leading.
  • Feel the small Qi balls on your hands when you separate the hands and energy, and feel the the large Qi ball when hands together.
  • Place the heal down first when lifting the feet and placing in a new position.
  • Allow yourself to smile as you observe and feel the Qi throughout the form.
  • Be aware of the essence of each direction and the qualities they can manifest in you.


Summary of main points to remember









Getting it right .. RELAX & ENJOY

Now that we have covered some basic theory, you may ask, do we really need to know and remember all this ?  …  NO not really !!  The idea here is to present to you some thoughts around the basic underlying principles of the practice. TO GET THE ESSENCE.

Essentially, as one Wu Chi masters said, “we need to be fully engaged with disassociating from any of the complexity of life.” This applies here too you don’t have to worry about getting it all right,  missing a cycle, one of the moves, going the wrong way or forgetting to count ?  This is the beauty of W Chi Qigong.

So for the sake of our mind, knowing the ins and outs, the basics can give us a sense of what’s available and what we are opening up to, so once you get the sense of things, apply your own intuition,  let go of thinking and KEEP IT SIMPLE ..

Relax into the space, and enjoy your movements. The flow through the form has the potential to give you everything that you’re looking for and beyond if you open to it.



Earth Cycle

 Connecting with the five directions

Facing east with feet together, bring your hands together in a prayer position over the heart centre.

Using your intention, say to yourself: “I connect to the 4 directions.” (Feel the connection come in).

and: “I connect with the fifth direction of heaven and earth.” (Feel the connection come in)

 Wu Chi standing position

Note: I have given the long guide for this position here. Once you are familiar with it, just jump straight into position and relax all the way through to the feet, then feel the Qi in the body until the Wuji stillness is felt, approx. 2 – 5 mins. Then follow into the moving form.

(1) Place your weight onto the right foot and lift the left foot and place it down at shoulder width apart from the right.

(2) Make sure your tongue from now on is sitting on the roof of your mouth through the whole form. Note: During the microcosmic orbit cycle you can place the tip of the tongue to your soft palate for the duration of the movement.

(3) Unlock your knees. Align your bottom so it is aligned to your vertical centre.

(3) Drop your shoulders, placing imaginary tennis balls under each arm, so that your arms are relaxed but slightly suspended outwards.

(4) Imagine a string suspending your head at the crown, going all the way through your centre, to the earth.

(5) Just like a coat hanging on a coat hanger, allow yourself to be suspended by the string.

(6) Your eyes glance down to a place approximately 2 metres in front of you.



(7) Begin relaxing the body, scanning gradually downwards from your head to your feet. As you do this, you are asking each part of the body to relax and let go.

(8) Place a smile on your face, feel your face soften. With this feeling ask the whole head to relax and let go.

(9) Moving down the body with your attention , say to yourself: neck and shoulders, relax and let go.

(10) Chest and upper arms relax and let go.

(11) Solar plexus relax and let go.

(12) Lower abdomen relax and let go.

(13) Pelvis and hips relax and let go.

(14) Thighs relax and let go.

(15) Calves let go.

(16) Ankles let go.

(17) Feet let go.

(18) Once you have relaxed the feet, feel your connection to the earth, feel the Qi there, then open to the natural flow of Qi moving up through the body.

(19) Feel yourself standing like a tree, as a bridge between heaven and earth.

(20) Become aware of the Qi and associated sensations moving within the body.

(21) Any pleasure or any pain felt, relax into it and let it go. (Just be with it)

(22) Continue to be aware of the whole body and the Qi moving within it.

(23) Stand here for a few minutes until you feel connected to a growing stillness which is the emerging state of Wu Chi.


Moving Form

Note: This is a step by step description of the moving form. You can use it by reading through to refresh your memory or use it as a reference at any time you need to check on a movement during your practice.

 Place the inner smile on your face as you become aware of the east direction. (Keep the smile there through the whole form, opening to the delight and enjoyment it brings you)

Ascending and Descending Qi

(1) Begin sinking, bending your knees and rocking onto the balls of your feet, at the same time with your wrists limp, palms and fingers facing down towards the earth, draw Qi from the earth as you raise both your arms out in front of you, all the way up to the level of your chest.

(2) While keeping your legs bent, rock back on to your heels as heaven Qi descends with your hands floating back down, wrists are bent with fingers facing upwards and palms face away, and then a little into the move, curl your right hand underneath as your left hand floats on top to form a Qi Ball in front of you. (Size of ball. Bottom hand is at a point half way between the naval and pubic bone and the top hand at the chest level.)

 Separate Yin/Yang

(4) With lower Tan Tien leading, turn slowly to the right. Your weight naturally moves onto the edge of your right foot, and your legs straighten a little (so knees are just unlocked as in the beginning) while separating the Qi in the hands, (Yin/Yang) following the right hand with your gaze, as it glides, palm up around to the right in an arch to just above the shoulder level, as your left hand pushes down and away to the left of the body. (Left palm rests pointing away from the body)

(5) While sinking slightly, return to the middle position, so that your hands momentarily form a Qi ball. Right hand is on top and left hand underneath. Note: Even though the Qi ball forms for a brief moment, the hands essentially pass each other in order for the Qi to be exchanged between both hand centres, before separating to the other side. (polarity)

(6) With the lower Tan Tien leading, turn slowly to the left. Your weight naturally moves onto the edge of your left foot, and your legs straighten a little (so knees are just unlocked as in the beginning) while separating the Qi in the hands, (Yin/Yang) following the left hand now with your gaze, as it glides, palm up around to the left in an arch to a level just above shoulder height, as your right hand now pushes down and away to the right of the body. (Right palm rests pointing away from the body)

(7) Lower Tan Tien leading, turn back to the centre as both of your  hands like a bird lifting its wing, wrists leading, fingers pointing to the ground, lift up and out to the sides and then with wrists leading (bird lowers wings) with fingers pointing upwards, sink your body slightly as you glide your hands down to your sides.

Directing Qi around the Microcosmic Orbit


(8) Place the tip of the tongue for this exercise at the roof of the mouth.  While imagining that you are drawing Qi from the perineum and up the back of the spine, straighten the legs, and with fingers pointing downwards and palms facing each other, bend your elbows as you bring your hands upwards in line with the middle of the legs, all the way up to the heart Tan Tien level, then at this level begin to rotate your hands towards you so your fingers are facing upwards, continue up passed the ears and over the top of the head.  (Pulling the jumper off)

(9) With arms bent and extended out in front of you, begin sinking again in sync with your arm movements as wrists lead with fingers facing upwards, you lower your hands in line with the middle of your legs, fingers gradually turn to point outwards and finally downwards to complete the orbit circle to rest just in front of your upper thighs. (Imagine that as you reach this point that the Qi is directed back to rest at the perineum point)

 Honouring the Moon/Sun/Moon

(10) Slowly straighten legs, at the same time bend elbows and with the palms of the hands facing each other and fingers pointing downwards, bring them up the front of the body and again along the middle line of the legs until you reach the chest level. (Middle Tan Tien)

(11) Sink slightly, holding the Qi ball, open the heart, rotating your hands around so that the fingers are pointing upwards, and while keeping your elbows bent, extend both hands out in front of you.

(12) Then with the lower Tan Tien leading, weight shifts naturally onto the edge of the right foot and slowly straightening your legs. Have your gaze on the Qi ball as you glide your hands in an arch around to your right to the head level, and your legs straighten, while rotating the Qi Ball. You complete the move with the left hand extended furthest away from you, holding the Qi ball with thumb pointing up and fingers out at a ninety degree angle. Right hand rests holding the Qi ball with thumb pointing down and fingers pointing away at a ninety degree angle. The back of the right hand faces you, and it sits higher than the left so that a rectangular mudra is formed. Glance and connect with the mudra, honouring the yin/moon/past.

(13) Sink slightly and leading from your lower Tan Tien, glide back around to the left, hands turning around the Qi ball until positioned holding the ball back out in front of you to exchange healing with the heart. (Fingers point away from the body)

(14) Take the past from the heart, straight your legs as you then rock onto the edge of the left foot, extending the ball to the left, following it with your gaze to head level. Still holding the Qi ball, the back of the left hand is closest to you, palm facing away with thumb facing down and fingers out at right angles. The right hand faces towards you holding the Qi ball with thumb extended upwards. You honour Yang/Sun/Future while looking again through a square mudra created by the hands.

(15) Glide back to the middle bringing the new Yang/ Sun/ Future energy to the heart and all energies are then taken back around to the right Past/ Yin/Moon position for completion and healing.

(16) While sinking and moving the body back to the middle, glide the right hand down and under, and float the left hand up to form a Qi ball, left hand on top and right hand underneath.

(1) Rolling the Qi ball bottom top and bottom (Horizontal)

(17) Roll the Qi ball by moving the right hand outwards around the imaginary Qi ball to on top and then back inwards and down underneath. The left hand naturally follows suit.

(18) As the rolling of the Qi ball completes with the right hand moving into the lowest position, rock to the right and pivot on your left heel, changing direction to the left.

(1) Roll the Qi ball, gathering Qi right left right (Vertical)

(19) While still holding the Qi ball, lower your left foot down to the ground while dropping the left hand and right hand down respectively in front of the left and right legs. The right foot heel comes off the ground sightly at the same time.

(20) Swing the right leg through to place the right foot, heal first onto the ground at shoulder width beside the left, at the same time bring the right hand through to begin rolling the Qi ball inwards while rocking to the right.

(21) Then rock to the left as the left hand rolls the Qi ball inward and then finally shift again to the right rolling the Qi ball inward with the right hand.

(22) On the final roll in, the right hand comes to rest slightly higher than the left hand which is resting close to the upper thigh, with your weight to the right.

(23) From here, turn the body again towards the left as you pivot on the heel of the left foot 90 degrees. Move your weight down onto the left foot as the left hand rises upwards, as the right hand scoops down, underneath and upwards as the right foot lifts and swings through to rest heal first, parallel to the left foot, as the hands completes the formation of the Qi ball, left hand on top and the right underneath in front of the body at the middle position in the new direction.

(2) Roll the Qi ball again (Horizontal)

(24) Now move the hands around the Qi ball as before, right hand moves out away from the body and around to the top and then back inwards and underneath, and the left hand follows suit.

Again as the right hand is just completing the move, while holding the ball in front, rock onto the edge of the right foot taking the weight off the left foot, turn the body towards the left as you pivot 90 degrees on the left heel.

(2) Roll the ball by gathering Qi right left right (Vertical)

(25) Lower the left foot down to the ground while dropping the left hand and right hand down respectively in front of the left and right legs. The left foot heel comes off the ground sightly.

(26) Swing the right leg through to place the right foot, heal first onto the ground at shoulder width beside the left, at the same time bring the right hand up to begin rolling the ball inwards while rocking to the right.

(27) Then rock to the left as the left hand rolls the Qi ball inward and then finally shift again to the right rolling the ball inward with the right hand.

(28) On the final roll in, the right hands come to rest around the Qi ball together at the same level in front of the body.


Final Gather

(29) From here you straighten the legs slightly as your hands rotate inwards, elbows bent with the lower half of your arms parallel to your body, as palms face down. Bend down towards the ground with hands rotating again around the knees, and then with palms facing upwards, scoop up Qi from under the knees.

(30) With the hands beside each other out in front, palms up, bring the Qi up the front of the body as you straighten your legs, all the way up and over the top of the head. (Legs now straight) Bring hands together right over left and pour the Qi into the crown chakra.

(31) Now bring the hands over the front of the body, right still over the left not quite touching. Sinking slightly while moving the hands down slowly to energise each chakra, starting 3rd eye, heart, solar plexus and then finally resting your hands physically onto the point just below the naval (Lower Tan Tien).

Note: Emphasis is put on energising the 3 Tan Tiens.


(32) Stand in Wu Chi and absorb the Qi into the body allowing yourself to go into deep meditation. (Stay here until the absorption feels complete)


Heaven Cycle

(1) From the Wu Chi position, with hands over the lower Tan Tien, rock onto the edge of the right foot, pivot on the left heal while turning it 90 degrees to the left (glance follows the turning foot) as your hands drop to the side of your body to begin a figure 8 movement.

(2) Lower left foot down while slowly swinging the right foot through to touch down on the heel, while floating the left hand around up and in towards your centre, at the same time bringing the right hand over the shoulder (bringing the collected earth Qi over) creating a figure eight effect and forming the Qi ball with left hand on top and right underneath. You are now facing the new direction in the middle position. (This is the Butterfly move)

Old Dragon Washing its Face

(3) Centred at the lower Tan Tien, straighten the legs as you begin twisting the body slightly to the right. Follow with your gaze while separating the Qi (Yin/Yang) as your right hand, palm up glides away in an arch to the right, to just above the shoulder level as the left hand pushes away, palm down to the position just behind the left leg. Weight has shifted to the right side. (The same  as in the earth form)

(4)  (First set) Begin the process of old dragon washing its face. Sink slightly as you rock to onto the edge of the left foot while you sweep the right hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the left leg, as at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the left side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down.

Rock to onto the edge of the right foot while you sweep the left hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the right leg, at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down again. (This is 1 complete wash and is performed by counting one, two)

Continue to wash for a count of 10 to give you 5 complete washes.

(5) On the final wash for that direction you will end up rocked to the right side,, onto the edge of the right foot. (This will happen in each direction) The right arm sits out to the right of the body at a 45 degree angle, palm of the hand facing the ground, as the left hand rests across the body facing slighting down at a 45 degree angle, with the end of the fingers in line with the middle of the right thigh. (The ball of the left foot rises off the ground ready to pivot)

(6) From here you are already rocked to the right, so now pivot on your left foot 90 degrees as you turn to the left, and move into the butterfly figure 8 with your left hand sweeping out in an arch around and then floating down to form the top of the Qi ball as the right arm moves out in an arch, then dropping down and curling under to form the underside of the Qi Ball.

(7) Centred at the lower Tan Tien, straighten the legs as you begin twisting the body slightly to the right. Follow with your gaze while separating the Qi (Yin/Yang) as your right hand, palm up glides away in an arch to the right, to just above the shoulder level as the left hand pushes away, palm down to the position just behind the left leg. Weight has shifted to the right side.

(8) (Set 2) Begin the process of old dragon washing its face. Sink slightly as you rock to onto the edge of the left foot while you sweep the right hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the left leg, as at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the left side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down again.

(9) Rock to onto the edge of the right foot while you sweep the left hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the right leg, at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down again. (This is 1 complete wash and is performed by counting one, two)

Continue to wash for a count of 10 to give you 5 complete washes.

(10) On the final wash for that direction you will end up rocked to the right side onto the edge of the right foot. (This will happen in each direction) The right arm sits out to the right of the body at a 45 degree angle, palm of the hand facing the ground, as the left hand rests across the body facing slighting down at a 45 degree angle, with the end of the fingers in line with the middle of the right thigh. (The ball of the left foot also rises off the ground ready to pivot)

(11) From here you are already rocked to the right, so now pivot on your left foot 90 degrees as you turn to the left, and move into the butterfly figure 8 with your left hand sweeping out in an arch around and then floating down to form the top of the Qi ball as the right arm moves out in an arch, then dropping down and curling under to form hold the underside of the Qi Ball.

(12) Centred at the lower Tan Tien, straighten the legs as you begin twisting the body slightly to the right. Follow with your gaze while separating the Qi (Yin/Yang) as your right hand, palm up glides away in an arch to the right, to just above the shoulder level as the left hand pushes away, palm down to the position just behind the left leg. Weight has shifted to the right side.

(13) (Set 3) Begin the process of old dragon washing its face. Sink slightly as you rock to onto the edge of the left foot while you sweep the right hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the left leg, at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the left side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down again.

(14) Rock to onto the edge of the right foot while you sweep the left hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the right leg as at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down again. (This is 1 complete wash and is performed by counting one, two)

Continue to wash for a count of 10 to give you 5 complete washes.

(15) On the final wash for that direction you will end up rocked to the right side onto the edge of the right foot. (This will happen in each direction) The right arm sits out to the right of the body at a 45 degree angle, palm of the hand facing the ground, as the left hand rests across the body facing slighting down at a 45 degree angle, with the end of the fingers in line with the middle of the right thigh. (The ball of the left foot also rises off the ground ready to pivot)

(16) From here you are already rocked to the right, so now pivot on your left foot 90 degrees as you turn to the left, and move into the butterfly figure 8 with your left hand sweeping out in an arch around and then floating down to form the top of the Qi ball as the right arm moves out in an arch, then dropping down and curling under to form hold the underside of the Qi Ball.

(17) Centred at the lower Tan Tien, straighten the legs as you begin twisting the body slightly to the right. Follow with your gaze while separating the Qi (Yin/Yang) as your right hand, palm up glides away in an arch to the right, to just above the shoulder level as the left hand pushes away, palm down to the position just behind the left leg. Weight has shifted to the right side.

(18) (Set 4) Begin the process of old dragon washing its face. Sink slightly as you rock to onto the edge of the left foot while you sweep the right hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the left leg, at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the left side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down again.

(19) Rock to onto the edge of the right foot while you sweep the left hand down across the third eye diagonally, through the heart centre and lower Tan Tien, all the way down to the middle of the right leg as at the same time the left arm is making an arch upwards and around to a position out to the side of the head ready to begin the process of sweeping down again. (This is 1 complete wash and is performed by counting one, two)

Continue to wash for a count of 10 to give you 5 complete washes.

Stirring the Cauldron

Note: Simply flow into stirring the Qi in the cauldron without thinking. You can practice moving into this separately by doing the old dragon washing its face and then making your washes smaller and smaller until you are doing the same thing over the cauldron but have moved into smaller circles.

For the sake of knowing exactly what you are doing, and in case you want to make sure I describe the process in detail below:

(20) Once you have finished the heaven cycle washes, you complete the process by performing 10 stirrings of the cauldron. This is almost the same as the washing except that the washing moves into a smaller size, concentrated in the lower Tan Tien area.

(21) From the last position of dragon washing its face, rock to the left while taking the right hand in a clockwise motion around the belly area towards the left hip while the left hand moves in a clockwise direction along the path of the right hand but finishing above the left hand at the top of the belly. That’s count 1.

(22) Next rock to the right as the left hand moves around the belly in an anti- clockwise direction (back along the path it came) until it reaches the right hip, while the right hand moves in a clockwise direction underneath the belly to finish at the point at the top of the belly above the left hand. This is count 2

Repeat the whole process again until the count of 10.

Final Gather

(23) At the end of stirring the cauldron, perform the final gather as in the earth cycle. Keep in mind that this time you are gathering the accumulated earth and heaven Qi. From here you straighten the legs slightly as your hands rotate inwards, elbows bent with the lower half of your arms parallel to your body, as palms face down. Bend down towards the ground with hands rotating again around the knees, and then with palms facing upwards to scoop up Qi from under the knees.

(24) With the hands beside each other out in front, palms up, bring the Qi up the front of the body as you straighten your legs, all the way up and over the top of the head. (Legs now straight) Bring hands together right over left and pour the Qi into the crown chakra.

(25) Now bring the hands over the front of the body, right still over the left not quite touching. Sinking slightly while moving down slowly and energise each chakra, starting 3rd eye, heart, solar plexus and then finally resting onto the point just below the naval (Lower Tan Tien).

Note: Emphasis is put on energising the 3 Tan Tiens.


(26) Stand in Wu Chi and absorb the Qi into the body allowing yourself to go into deep meditation. (Stay here until the absorption feels complete)

You now have completed a full earth and heaven cycle. You have begun in the east and now you have completed in the south.

You now begin the next earth cycle from the south position and continue earth and heaven cycles until you have completed all earth and heaven cycles and finally finishing back at the east direction.

Once you have absorbed the Qi there, lift the left leg and place it beside the right as you bring your hands again into the prayer position over the heart centre.

Say to yourself, I acknowledge my connection with the 4 directions, and the 5th direction of heaven and earth. Stay still for a few seconds and honour the process.

Integrating the Qi

Standing intergration

If you are outdoors for example and cannot lay down, lift you left leg again and place it shoulder width apart from your right while bringing your hands to your sides and moving into the Wu Chi position.

Stand as in Zhan Zhaung, observing the flow of Qi and become aware of the Wu Chi moving form still working in you as it unlocks the Qi. Stand here unto you go deep into meditation.

When you feel complete, do the bird move bringing your hands back to the centre left hand over the lower Tan Tien and the right on top.

Stay in Zhan Zhaung (Wu Chi Standing) absorbing the Qi and going deep into meditation.


After acknowledging your connections to the directions and the completing of the moving form, you can perform a simple sitting integration by just sitting quietly in a chair observing the Qi until you feel integrated.

Laying down

If you are able, this is the recommended integration position. After completing the moving form, and the acknowledgements, lay down with your hands by your side noticing the Qi moving in the body. Open to feeling the moving form process still continuing  to work within you, unlocking and opening the flow of Qi.

Stay here until you feel complete.

If you feel to, you can also rest  both hands each side of the lower Tan Tien.


Simplified Wu Chi  Sequence

 Earth Form

Connect to the 5 directions

Wu Chi position

Raise earth Qi and bring heaven Qi down to form the Qi Ball.

Separate Qi to the right and left

Hands float down

Microcosmic orbit

Hands come up the front of the body to the heart

Open the heart and turn the Qi ball right left right

Hands glide down to form Qi ball.

Role the Qi towards you bottom, top, bottom

Change direction to the left

Roll the Qi ball towards you side to side

Change direction to the left

Role the Qi ball towards you bottom, top, bottom

Change direction to the left

Role the Qi ball towards you side to side

Final gather

 Heaven form

Change direction with figure 8

Separate the Qi to the right

Perform old dragon washing its face to the count of 10

Change direction with figure 8

Separate the Qi to the right

Perform old dragon washing its face to the count of 10

Change direction with figure 8

Separate the Qi to the right

Perform old dragon washing its face to the count of 10

Change direction with figure 8

Separate the Qi to the right

Perform old dragon washing its face to the count of 10

Final gather


Repeat the above in all directions until you are back to east.



To my students, thank you for taking the time to consider the material here presented. I  hope that it assists you to become familiar with the underlying essence of this special form.

I wish you all the very best and that you receive much enjoyment as you embark  on a journey of inner exploration and discovery.

… Mikey Costar








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